"Predators, Pests, and Diseases, Oh My!"
Prior to the 1980s, beekeepers had but one disease that could kill their
bees - Foulbrood. Most beehives thrived with little or no attention from the beekeeper.
As rampant unregulated World Trade grew during the 1980s, beekeeping changed
forever - suddenly, any neglected beehive soon became a dead beehive.
We are lucky in NYC - many diseases and pests have not been brought across
the Hudson River. But to be able to eradicate any incursion of pests and diseases, we have to
be able to identify symptoms and detect specific evidence.
This class will explain in detail the specifics behind the oft-quoted phrase
"The Price of Honey is Eternal Vigilance."
As always, check out their website to sign up for the class and RSVP for the lecture (a must!)
In my neck of the woods, I'll be hosting a screening of "Vanishing of the Bees" at Brooklyn Brainery AND giving a talk on the latest CCD research and information. Apparently, the prospect of listening to me prattle on about bees is more exciting than I anticipated, as seats sold out in a matter of days. (It might have been the honey tasting.)
Sorry I didn't get it up here earlier and give y'all first chance at seats. Mea culpa. However, they saved a few seats for me, so if you just missed it and really wanna go, shoot me an e-mail and I'll see what I can do.
Getting ahead of the ball (for once), I will be teaching another Beekeeping 101 course at the Brainery in February/Early March and will be sure to post about it as I get specifics! Keep on checking back here for details!
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