If any of y'all were planning on ordering bees or equipment for the coming Spring, now would be an excellent time to do it. The NYC Beekeeping Group is putting together their yearly group order and the more people who participate, the cheaper it'll be for everyone! Socialism! Hoo-ray!
Packages of bees will be trucked up overnight from GA and delivered directly into the city, and will cost ~$80/package. I'm ordering my own new bees with this order, so you should as well.
If you need to order and aren't already on their mailing list, email Liane at nycbeekeeping@gmail.com.
Greetings all NYC Beekeeping Bee Lovers, Beekeepers & Beginners:
We welcome you to participate in our Spring Co-op Order this year -- We are stronger together!
If you are currently registered or bought with us last year, you should already have received the link.
If you have not yet received a link to the [order] form and want to participate, please reply to this email and we'll get you on the right lists.
Thanks for your interest, and please forgive us if you are receiving this in duplicate.
Kind regards,
The Spring Order Team
There is NO NYC Beekeeping Group class this week. Instead, they are hosting a super-exciting talk by a serious expert on bee society this Saturday!
Dr. Tom Seeley - "Honeybee Democracy: How Bees Choose a Home"
Honey bees make decisions collectively—and democratically. Every year, faced with the life-or-death problem of choosing and traveling to a new home, honey bees stake everything on a process that includes collective fact-finding, vigorous debate, and consensus building. In fact, these incredible insects have much to teach us when it comes to collective wisdom and effective group decision making. Dr. Thomas D. Seeley, a professor of animal behavior at Cornell University and a passionate beekeeper, will tell the amazing story that he and others have unravelled of house hunting and democratic debate among the honeybees.
He will describe how these bees evaluate potential nest sites, advertise their discoveries to one another, engage in open deliberation, choose a final site, and navigate together—as a swirling cloud of bees—to their new home. He will also suggest that what works well for bees can also work well for people: any decision-making group should consist of individuals with shared interests and mutual respect, a leader's influence should be minimized, debate should be relied upon, diverse solutions should be sought, and the majority will should be counted on for a dependable resolution.
We must charge a modest admission fee to defray the costs of this event. The talk is open to the public, but you can pay here online via Amazon to reserve, as seating is limited. We will also have copies of Tom Seeley's books available for purchase at the event.
The cost will be $9 and seating will be limited, so RSVP on their site here: LINKY
The talk is being held on Saturday, Feb 19th from 2pm to 4pm, at The Arsenal in Central Park.
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